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NarraScope 2025 Papers

We invite researchers, scholars, and professionals to submit completed academic papers or paper abstracts for review which explore all aspects of interactive fiction, narrative games, visual novels, and video game narratives for NarraScope 2025. This year’s conference will be the first time the conference has offered an academic papers track. A dedicated session will give two authors selected by the Drexel review committee a chance to share their papers as live presentations at the conference.

Submit Your Paper

Submission Guidelines

All submissions must be original work and adhere to the following format:

For paper abstract submissions, a flexible deadline for the final paper will be individually determined.

Important Dates

The submissions will be reviewed and finalists selected by a Drexel-based papers review committee. The finalists will be read and juried by Drexel Faculty members. Two papers will be given a featured programming slot in the conference and published on the NarraScope website. Furthermore, if the reviewing bodies feel there are additional meritorious papers, up to three papers will be featured as poster papers. If a paper is selected for this part of the conference the printing costs will be paid.

Note that travel support is not available for either featured presentation papers or posters, but complementary registrations will be provided by the conference for those authors to attend if they can make their way to Philadelphia, PA.